A List Of Interesting Research Paper Ideas On Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system is one where there are so many issues popping up from time to time. It is really important for you to make sure that when you are discussing this, you know more about the issues that you want to present. If you happen to choose the wrong ideas, you might end up derailing your own paper, and lose marks in the process.

There are a lot of students who have however in the past been able to defy the odds, and come up with impressive papers on the concept of the criminal justice system. With this in mind therefore, it would be a really good idea for you to make sure that you know how to handle this task. One of the first things that you have to do is to choose ideas that make your paper great, and these will form the topic for your paper.

The following are some good titles that you can think about as you ponder over how to go about this particular task:

  • Discuss the correlation between age and crime, and how these are associated with victimization

  • Explain criminology as a social science

  • Discuss the history of criminology and why it is important to undertake this study

  • Explain the important link between public policy and criminology

  • Explain the challenges that families have to deal with when they are born into crime

  • Discuss how crime has crept into the employment circle, and how cartels are running unseen in white collar jobs

  • Explain the threat that white collar crime poses to the economy

  • Intelligence and crime go hand in hand. Discuss some of the measures that can be taken to ensure that there is sufficient intelligence to assist in taking down criminals

  • Explain why legal teams are able to use mental illness as a means of getting convicts to escape their due punishment for crimes they have committed

  • Based on the current challenges facing gun laws, discuss how guns and crime make it such a difficult issue to handle

  • Discuss some of the important ways in which feminist criminology has been effective in understanding the concept of some crimes

  • Explain the importance of a clear understanding of cultural transmission theory, and how this manifests in the society

  • Discuss the theory of social disorganization with an emphasis on the criminal justice system, and how the understanding can make work easier for the authorities

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