Putting Together Different Parts of Your Term Paper

Good writing is as important for creating a term paper worthy of a high grade, as the research you base it on. Mind the following rules when putting together every part of the written text to make your paper coherent.

  • 1. When arranging a paragraph, check if the grammatically-correct subjects of the sentences match the topic of the paragraph. In order to make sure that the reader gets the right idea from the paper, you need to place the subjects at the forefront. You also have to make sure that the grammar structures used in the text are consistent. As each paragraph usually has its own main idea, it can be easy to forget that these independent subjects must agree with the rest of the text. To make editing the paper easier, analyze it one sentence at a time, and check whether each of them transitions to the next one smoothly.
  • 2. Use transition words to link paragraphs together. However, do not allow yourself to overindulge in them. This will disrupt the flow of the story and make the text look unprofessional. These words should only be used to emphasize a point, or draw the reader’s attention to an argument. They are also necessary when you need to point out some time relationships.
  • 3. Try using repetition in moderate doses. This will help enhance the coherence of the paper and make it seem more unified. However, this is a very intricate tool, so you need to use it wisely. Too much repetition placed closely together in the text will ruin the effectiveness of the paper.
  • 4. Move from old to new. This principle will draw the readers’ attention to the information that is truly relevant. Integrate some background data into the introduction to increase its connection to the rest of the text.
  • 5. Incorporate the key points of your work into the introduction and conclusion to link it to the rest of the paper. Your goal is to create an “ongoing conversation” effect that starts with outlining a general idea, then is proven in each separate point to sum up the research.
  • 6. Control your language when writing a conclusion. On one hand, it must be linked to the previous thoughts. On the other hand, you must make sure that you basically conclude every line of thought started in the paper. You can tie up the entire general part of your research in the conclusion by explaining how it will affect the field of study.
  • 7. Double check the format of every part of the paper to make sure it meets the required standards. Be especially careful with references and tables.

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