Writing A Research Paper: What To Know About The Title Page Format

The title page format of a research paper may vary depending on formatting style required for your assignment. There may be basic details it should include such as name, title, and subject matter. Your instructor may provide details on what should be displayed on this page. If they do not provide this information it is a good idea to clarify before attempting to create this content. There are sample research paper title formats you can review to get a general idea of what to work toward. The following points can help you understand details to include on your own title page.

  • Most title page formats are written in APA formatting style. Even though there are details that make this formatting style different from others, it will only take a few moments to develop a title page for your research paper. Remember to review elements of your title page for errors as it can bring down your overall score.
  • Your title is the most important element of the page. If you are creating your title page based on APA guidelines the title is centered half way down the page. The entire title of your research paper is displayed here.
  • Personal details relating to your project are displayed toward the bottom of the page. This information is centered and includes the date, school name, your name and in some cases, the name of your instructor and the type of paper (term, dissertation, thesis, etc.). This information may vary somewhat depending on what guidelines are stated for your research paper assignment.
  • Your title page format may include a running header. This is a smaller version of your full title. This should include roughly 50 characters and this information will appear justified to the left at the top.
  • Your word processing program can help you with page number placement for your research paper pages following your title page. Look for a header function selection and this should help you separate your pages with required number of spaces. Throughout the document your numbers should be aligned at the right on the top.
  • There are different research paper title page samples you can review for a better idea on how to develop your content. Samples can be found through homework help sites and college university websites with writing advice and tips.

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